Automatic Realtime Monitoring enhances safety and reduces cost of drilling operations

eDrilling presents a paper at this year’s ADIPEC, titled “Automatic real-time monitoring of drilling using digital twin technologies enhance safety and reduce costs”. We are presenting the findings from 10 years of operations globally. Using model-based reasoning (AI), predictive analytics, and digital twin technologies, rids downtime and hazardous incidents.
Time flies, it is a year ago we published our first study. We have added 30 more digital twins over the past 12 months, and the analysis now include 90+ wells where a digital twin has been used in i) preparations for well, ii) automated monitoring of well, and iii) real-time optimization of well – or a combination of these, And still, we find that
i) 0 – zero – had to carry out a sidetrack
ii) None of the wells had hazardous incidents
The software detects at a very early stage any anomalies, and provide crew with warnings, notifications, and diagnostic messages in good time to make the necessary adjustments.
We continue to think is the biggest opportunity available today for performance optimization, avoidance of NPT, and hazard prevention, and are grateful to our customers around the world for the continued cooperation and success.

Analysis of 90+ wells where our technologies have been actively utilised in preparation and/or operation, and where we have had correct and sufficient data to conclude on the hypothesis. Thus, 50+ of our digital twins in the period have been omitted, due to availability (contractual, geographical, policy) of data.
Sidetracks, or avoidance thereof, is the focal area of the study, although the study have also found that there had been 0 hazardous incidents on the 90+ wells analysed.
«Geological surprises» as reason for having to do a sidetrack are omitted. Cuttings build up, collapse, washout, and packoff leading to plugging the well, are included.
We have had 5100+ participants in drill well in simulator prior to operations, with 150+ well specific scenarios.
Automated Monitoring and Real time Optimisation is used in all drilling operations. This includes Tripping, Drilling, Casing/Liner operations and Cementing. It is also used in advanced operations like MPD and DGD.
Digital Twin
A Digital Twin is the digital representation of your actual well. Used in preparation it enables you to pre-drill your well. Used in real-time operation it does predictive analytics, as well as forward simulations and what-if simulations to detect mismatch and give input to change the drilling plan – to avoid problems, see and detect operational mismatches, and change parameters for optimal drilling (drilling the perfect well).
Of the 90+ wells analysed, 0 – zero – has had to carry out a sidetrack. As the software at a very early stage detects anomalies, crews are provided diagnostics messages and notifications in good time to make the necessary adjustments.
Not a prime objective of the study, but included anyways as it continues to be a high priority for us, and for the industry as a whole, was avoidance of hazardous incidents. We are happy, and proud, to say that we have had a 100% success rate here too.
Performance Optimization
We have not included performance optimization results in the study. Mostly because we, and our customers, want to have the study be as focused as possible, and not try to cover all aspects at the same time. That said, we have had some considerable success stories here too, with a European IOC estimating 19 days saved while drilling a vertical exploration well in the North Sea, as the most prolific.
Products involved
wəllSim hiDRILL is our solution for drill own well in simulator. wəllSim hiDRILL provides safe, effective, and efficient well delivery for any planned well by giving crew skills and experience on the specific well.
wəllAhead is eDrilling’s software solution for automated monitoring, real-time optimization, and live well support. It is designed for use on rig, in Real Time Decision Support Centers, and for any other individual or teams supporting live drilling operations. It is also the foundation of any future rig-side automation.

Automates realtime monitoring!
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